Subtractive Theory of Color, Continued
color schemes
Triad color
Split compliments are colors on either side and exclusive of the true
They are approximate compliments. Split compliment color
schemes appear more pleasing than complimentary color schemes.
If you
base color schemes on a color and its split compliments or on hues mixed
from them, you have a wide range of hues. None of these hues will be
brighter than the color itself and the split compliments in their full intensity.
If you find this range of hues limiting, select the next removed set of split
Triad color schemes use three colors equally spaced on the color wheel.
Triad color schemes do not guarantee harmony. Using the three primary
colors in a triad color scheme is discordant for each color competes for
viewer attention. To create harmony in triad color schemes, select one hue
as dominant and mix a little of it with the other two.
Figure 2-19 is a photograph displaying a triad color scheme with red
dominant and mixed with the other two colors.
Figure 2-19.Triadic harmony.
Continued on next page