Electrical/Electronic Drawings, Continued
Isometric wiring diagrams show an entire circuit system layout. It shows
each deck of the ship arranged in tiers, bulkheads and compartments, a
marked centerline, frame numbers for every five frames, and the outer edge
of each deck in a general outline of the ship. All athwartship lines make an
angle of 30 degrees to the centerline and cables that run from one deck to
another are drawn at right angles to the centerline. A single line represents a
cable regardless of the number of connectors.
Single-line diagrams show a general description of a system and how the
system functions. More detailed than block diagrams, they require less
supporting text.
Electrical schematic diagrams describe the electrical operation of a particular
piece of equipment, circuit, or system. It is not drawn to scale and usually
does not show the relative positions of various components.
Elementary wiring diagrams show in detail each conductor, terminal, and
connection in a circuit. It also shows conductor markings alongside each
conductor and how they connect in a circuit. Elementary wiring diagrams
are not drawn to any scale.
Wiring deck
Wiring deck plans are peculiar to ship electrical systems and show the actual
installation diagram for the deck or decks shown in increments of 150 to 200
linear feet. Drawn to scale (usually 1/4 inch to the foot), they show the exact
location of all fixtures. Wiring deck plans include a bill of material and a list
of all necessary equipment to complete the job.
wiring diagram
Equipment wiring diagrams show relative positions of various components of
equipment and how each individual conductor connects to the circuit.
will need wiring diagrams for various pieces of equipment in a system for
troubleshooting electrical failures.
Block diagrams
Block diagrams of electrical systems show major units of the system in block
form. Used with text material, they provide a general description of the
system and its function.
Continued on next page