Electrical/Electronic Drawings, Continued
Aircraft electrical prints include schematic diagrams and wiring diagrams.
electrical prints
Similar to shipboard schematics, aircraft schematics show electrical
operations. Aircraft wiring diagrams show detailed circuit information on all
electrical systems. A master wiring diagram is a single diagram that shows
all the wiring in the aircraft. Diagrams of major circuits generally include an
isometric wiring diagram showing the location of equipment and the routing
of interconnecting cables. The simplified wiring diagram details how each
component connects to the system. Circuit wiring diagrams give equipment
part numbers, wire numbers, and all terminal strips and plugs.
Aircraft wire
All aircraft wiring is identified on wiring diagrams exactly as it appears in
the aircraft. A code identifies each wire combining letters and numerals
imprinted at prescribed intervals along the wire run.
Figure 4-24 outlines the elements of aircraft wire identification designations.
Figure 4-24.Aircraft wire identification.
Continued on next page