Polygonal Construction, Continued
composed of
five or more
You can construct polygons composed of more than five sides using
combinations of triangles, a pair of dividers, or a protractor. You may also
circumscribe or inscribe multisided polygons in a square or circle. Always
draw horizontal and vertical lines intersecting at right angles to each other
first. Use the intersection of these lines as a center point for drawing circles
or squares. The method for constructing multisided polygons with a pair of
dividers is least accurate. The process requires you to estimate and lay out
by trial and error equal portions along the circumference of the circle.
Figure 2-42 shows a pentagon constructed using a pair of dividers.
Figure 2-42.The pentagon.
When using triangles to construct multisided polygons, you are limited to
geometric figures that can be divided into angles that correspond to one of
the 11 angles measurable by a triangle or combination of triangles such as
hexagons (60°) and octagons (45°).
Figure 2-43 illustrates how to use triangles to construct a hexagon.
Figure 4-43.A hexagon.
Continued on next page