Blueprint Composition, Continued
Title block
Title blocks contain the name of the drawn object, drawing number, and all
information required to identify the part or assembly. It also includes the
name and address of the government agency or command preparing the
drawing, scale, drafting record, authentication and date. Locate the title
block in the lower-right corner of the drawing.
Figure 1-37 are examples of title blocks.
Figure 1-37.Blueprint title blocks: A. Naval Ship
Systems Command; B. Naval Facilities Engineering
A drawing number appears on each drawing. On drawings with more than
one sheet, the drawing number block shows the sheet number and the number
of sheets in the series. The drawing number appears in the lower-right
corner of the title block and may appear near the top border line in the upper
corner or on the reverse side at the other end so it is visible when the
drawing is rolled.
Continued on next page