Photographic Compositions, Continued
Viewpoint and
When selecting or taking photographs of people, particularly commanding
camera angle
officers, executive officers, command master chiefs, and visiting dignitaries,
avoid unflattering camera angles and viewpoints. Eliminate images shot at
extremely low-camera angles that emphasize double chins, excess weight,
and nostrils. To subdue chubby cheeks and double chins, shoot from a high-
camera angle to make the subject look up toward you. Because of Navy
Regulations regarding eating, drinking, and smoking in uniform, eliminate all
images of military personnel in uniform eating, drinking, or smoking.
Images are acceptable if the subject is at an informal picnic or social occasion
where the members are out of uniform.
When selecting photographs taken on base, onboard ship, or in classified
areas, carefully review every element in the picture area for potential
compromise. If you are unsure about an image, refer the photograph to the
command Photographic Officer before releasing or reproducing it. Simple
cropping may eliminate the need to reshoot an image.
Continued on next page