This chapter briefly covered shop layout and the importance of the physical
environment in the shop. There is a list of regulations and forms that have a
direct influence on the operation of the shop and your professional
knowledge. Files and supply are site specific. Good supervision requires
constant application and refinement. Job orders, customer service, and
quality control are as important to a shop as good supervision. Run your
shop as if it needed to show a profit or as if it were your shop in the civilian
sector. Remember, your reputation depends on a quality end product and
prompt, courteous customer service.
Thoroughly understand regulations, those that apply to how a shop is run and
those that apply to you and your workers as Navy personnel. A solid
foundation in Graphic Design Standards, copyright regulations, and printing
regulations is imperative. Stay abreast of new instructions in the field of
computer generated graphics and electronic imagery manipulation, hazardous
waste, and precious metals. Practice the core values of honesty, integrity,
and courage in every transaction with every person. Go home at the end of
the day confident that you have done your very best work and that you have
treated all persons well and fairly.