Job Orders
Job orders are requests for a product that requires the expenditure of funds
and man-hours. Job orders accompany the job to completion. They are a
record of the classification of the job, the originating department, the code or
activity, the originator, and a phone number. The job order shows who did
the job, how long it took, and how much supplies were used. Job orders
should also indicate who picked the job up and when. Retain job orders for 1
year or until a new fiscal year begins before discarding.
Your job request may be the standard Navy job request, or it maybe a local
form. Local forms need to present a complete picture of information to the
worker. Supervisors must make sure there is enough information on the job
order for the worker to do the job without having to do additional
calculations or finding more information.
Local forms
Base the information for the construction of a local job order form on the
reporting criteria for the VI annual report. This will simplify report
requirements by building in readily quantifiable figures. Add to this
information the date when the job entered the shop and the date due. There
should be a section where the shop LPO can make specific comments to the
worker or assign a priority and an area for a pick-up signature and date.
Specific guidance for designing job order request forms is in SECNAVINST
Job order log
Enter incoming job orders into a job order log book. Give them a sequential
number and write down information including a brief description of the job in
the log. This is an invaluable aid in tracking the progress of a job throughout
the shop. Later, this information will gauge predictability in the history and
trends in work load and supply use. You will have a ready reference for job
status, man-hours spent on a job, and a record of who picked up the job and
when. Maintain this book accurately and diligently.
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