Organization ChartsIntroductionOrganization charts or diagrams graphically show the structure of anorganization. Organization charts may show the titles, departments, orresponsibilities of personnel in an organization. They also serve to outlineresponsibilities and illustrate the chain of command. Create organizationcharts that are clearly understood.OrganizationchartsTo be effective, limit organization charts to showing lines of authority,responsibility, the span of control, or functional relationships. Do notinclude individual names. The three types of organization charts are thestructural chart, the functional chart, and the position or billet assignmentchart.StructuralchartA structural chart is the most simple representation of an organization. Itestablishes basic control relationships and reporting responsibilities. Itcontains a minimal amount of information.Figure 2-2 shows a structural organization chart.Figure 2-2. —A structural organization chart.Continued on next page2-6
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