Lecture Pads
Lecture pads
Lecture pads are large pieces of paper bound together on an easel. Lecture
pads lend themselves well to impromptu or spontaneous briefing or training
techniques. They create the illusion of an intimate presentation. They can
also fail miserably as a presentation technique with an inexperienced
presenter. Some presenters request the DM to letter the lecture pad before
the lecture
Use freehand lettering to create the text. When you create a lecture on a
lecture pad for presentation, use the following guidelines:
Make the letters legible.
Use capital letters for short titles and capitals and lower case letters for
captions and phrases that exceed five or six words.
Optically space letters to present visually pleasing information in a logical
Maintain adequate white space between lines of lettering to promote
Use fresh markers that contrast sharply with the background color of the
lecture paper.
Confine the copy to short, descriptive text.
Limit each page to one major topic.
Avoid smudging lecture paper. Use a piece of scrap paper between your
arm and the paper surface.
Place a sheet of paper in between sheets of the lecture pad to prevent
markers from bleeding through and spotting the next page.
If you have many pages to letter, make a layout in black ink on a separate
sheet of paper or cardstock to slip underneath the page you are working on.
This will eliminate pencil lines and excessive erasures on the final product.