Dimensioning, ContinuedCountersunkCountersunk (CSK) and counterdrilled holes (CDRILL) are two holes drilledandat different depths that share a common center. For countersunk holes,counterdrilledholesspecify the diameter and the included angle of the countersink.There is nodepth to the larger hole since it only creates a bevel at the opening of thesmaller hole. For counterdrilled holes, specify the diameter and the depth ofthe counterdrill. The larger diameter hole automatically creates a beveldetermined by the angle of the drill bit; therefore, specifying the includedangle of the counterdrill is optional.The depth dimension is the depth of thefull diameter of the counterdrill from the outer surface of the part.Figure 3-33 shows the dimensioning of countersunk and counterdrilled holes.Figure 3-33.—Dimensioning countersunk andcounterdrilled holes.Continued on next page3-37
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