Figure 2-10.Conventional break lines.
SECTION LINES show surface in the section
view imagined to be cut along the cutting plane.
VIEWING-PLANE LINES locate the viewing
position for removed partial views.
PHANTOM LINES consist of long dashes
separated by pairs of short dashes (fig. 2-11). The long
dashes may vary in length, depending on the size of
the drawing. Phantom lines show alternate positions
of related parts, adjacent positions of related parts, and
Figure 2-11.Phantom-line application.
repeated detail. They also may show features such as
bosses and lugs to delineate machining stock and
blanking developments, piece parts in jigs and
fixtures, and mold lines on drawings or formed metal
parts. Phantom lines always start and end with long
STITCH LINES show a sewing and stitching
process. Two forms of stitch lines are approved for
general use. The first is made of short thin dashes and
spaces of equal lengths of approximately 0.016, and
the second is made of dots spaced 0.12 inch apart.
CHAIN LINES consist of thick, alternating long
and short dashes. These lines show that a surface or
surface zone is to receive additional treatment or
considerations within limits specified on a drawing.