Letter Mediums, Continued
Brush letters
Lettering with brushes requires more skill and patience than lettering with
pens. Two types of brushes are common to lettering. One type brush is red
sable brushes with round ferrules and square tips ranging in size from very
small (No. 1) to very large (No. 24). This brush is called a rigger. The
second type of preferred brush is red sable brushes with flat ferrules ranging
in size from small (1/8 inch) to large (1 inch). Choose a brush size equal to
the desired width of the stroke. You may hold brushes in the same way you
hold pencils or you may use a two-finger grip on the middle of the ferrule.
The brush bristles should form approximately a 90-degree angle to the
lettering surface.
Figure 5-50 shows a brush held 90 degrees from the lettering surface with a
two-finger grip.
Figure 5-50.A rigger brush held with a two-finger grip.
Continued on next page