Lettering Mediums
The style of lettering is directly influenced by the tools used to produce it.
The type of tool you use determines the type of paper you select to letter on.
Selecting a tool compatible with the paper surface makes the job of lettering
much easier.
Lettering surfaces include a great variety of papers and surfaces such as
posterboard, masonite, and plywood. When selecting paper for pen and ink
lettering, choose a smooth-surfaced bristol board. Medium and rough
surfaced bristol or paper is more suited to paints and brushes, pencils,
pastels, charcoal, crayon, and felt-tipped pens. When selecting more rigid
substrates like metals and woods, prepare the surface with multiple base coats
of paint and lightly sand surfaces smooth in between coats. A smooth surface
allows the brush to deposit paint without drag, which causes ragged letters.
The purpose of the finished product dictates the media and tool you letter
with. Finished letters should be sharp, clean, and opaque. Pencils, pen and
ink, paints and brushes, and chalks, crayons, pastels, and felt-tipped pens are
all common tools capable of producing a finished letter.
Figure 5-47 are common lettering tools.
Figure 5-47.Common lettering
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