Glossary, Continued
F (Continued)
isolates one frame of a video image and inputs this frame into a computer.
FREEHAND DRAWINGDrawing without the use of mechanical aids.
FRENCH CURVESInstruments used to draw smooth, irregular curves.
FRESCOPainting on freshly spread, moist plaster with pigments.
FRESNEL LENSA intense prismatic lens of concentric divisions, which
concentrate and focus light through a transparent image onto a mirror and to
a screen in an overhead projector.
FRISKETA covering placed over part of a drawing or photograph to
protect that section while working on the rest of the artwork.
FRONTISPIECE An illustration preceding and usually facing the title page
of a book.
FULL-COLOR PAINTINGA painting in which the three primary colors
or some variation of them is evident.
FULL MEASUREThe entire width of a line of type flush with both
margins measured in picas.
FULL SECTIONA sectional view that passes entirely through the object.
FULLERS EARTHA fine white powder used for preparing the surface of
a photograph to accept retouching.
GALLEY PROOFA rough proof of type made for proofreading,
submitted before pages are made up.
GANG RUNSeveral different jobs printed simultaneously on a large press
in the same colors on one sheet to save time and reduce costs.
Continued on next page