Glossary, Continued
ICONOnscreen computer symbols that portray functions by graphic
ILLUMINATION The hand decoration of text in a book, a manuscript, or
a diploma.
ILLUSTRATION A picture designed to interpret a story or an article.
ILLUSTRATION BOARDHeavy paper board manufactured especially for
artists available in a variety of sizes, surfaces, and weights.
IMAGE AREAAn area that encompasses a printed, drawn, or
photographed image and the light or dark background space around the
IMPORTThe transfer of files from other software applications.
INDEFINITE BLENDINGAdding paint or ink to a wet surface to
promote indefinite effects.
INDIA INKPigment made of lampblack and a binder suspended in water
as a fluid ink.
INFINITYThe farthest distance marking on a lens.
INK JET PRINTERA high-resolution printer that uses a minute jet spray
of ink to create an image.
INPUTText or parameters entered into a computer memory or saved on
INPUT DEVICESee KEYBOARD or JOYSTICK. An accessory used to
provide text or commands into a computer or disk.
INSCRIBEDAn object completely enclosed by another.
Continued on next page