Glossary, Continued
G (Continued)
GANG SHOOTINGPhotographing several pages of original copy at the
same time.
GELATINA pure glue made from animal or vegetable matter.
GENERATION A single step in a reproduction process.
GIGABYTE Approximately one billion bytes of information, a kilobyte to
the third power (1,024 x 1,024 x 1,024).
GLAZEAn application of a transparent color or value over another color
or value.
GLOSSY PRINTA print having a shiny finish, which does not readily
absorb inks or paints.
GLYCERINA heavy oil, colorless and odorless, used in the preparation of
watercolor pigment.
GOLDENRODPaper or plastic mask material used to support negatives in
making press plates.
GOTHICAn alphabet or typeface characterized by strokes of equal or
almost equal thickness, usually without serifs.
GOUACHEAn opaque watercolor.
GRADED WASHA wash that blends a light tone to a dark tone or vice
GRADUATED FILLTo fill with color, shade, or pattern that variegates
from dark to light or vice versa.
GRAPHIC ARTSA form of art specializing in work prepared primarily
for conveying information.
Continued on next page