Glossary, Continued
G (Continued)
GRAPHIC INTERFACEScreen graphics on the computer screen that
make the computer easier to use.
GRAPHICS PRINTERA high-resolution printer capable of printing
graphic images.
GRAPHICS TABLETAn electronic input device that allows the user to
draw on the tablet before committing the image to memory.
GRAPHITEThe black marking substance in a lead pencil.
GRAVER A needle or square pointed tool used to scratch lines into
GRAVUREA photomechanical printing process (intaglio) with the images
recessed below the surface of the plate.
GRAYA color formed by mixing black and white or complementary
GRISAILLEA decorative gray monochromatic painting designed to create
the illusion of a bias-relief sculpture.
GUM ARABICA water soluble gum used as a binder in some watercolors
and tempura paints.
GUTTER(1) The inner margin of a printed page extending from the
printed portion to the fold or binding; (2) The area between two columns on
a printed page.
HALF SECTIONA combination of an orthographic projection and a
section view to show two halves of a symmetrical object.
HALFTONE A tonal pattern of shades from white through black defined
by a series of dots.
Continued on next page