Glossary, Continued
L (Continued)
LIGHT BOXA box with a translucent glass or plexiglass top illuminated
from underneath, used for tracing and layout.
LIGHTFACEThe lightest and thinnest form of a type series.
LIGHT PENAn electronic input device used to draw freehand against a
CRT screen.
LIMITED PALETTE(1) A palette with a restricted number of pigments;
(2) A palette that lacks one or more of the three primary colors.
LINEA continuous, unbroken mark made by a pen, a pencil, a brush, or
other drawing instrument.
A technique combining a black line with transparent
LINE COPYA composition of black lines and masses without gradation of
LINE DRAWINGA drawing composed entirely of lines, dots, and areas of
solid black.
LINE OF DIRECTIONThe line the eye follows when looking at the
LINES PER INCHAlso called LPI. A standard measurement of resolution
for the color printing trade.
LINE WEIGHTThe thickness of pencil, ink, or other lines in artwork.
LINSEED OILAn oil obtained by pressing the seeds of a plant, which
produces linen fiber used as a medium in oil painting.
Continued on next page