Glossary, Continued
M (Continued)
MEDIUM(1) A liquid that dilutes a paint without damaging its adhesive;
(2) The mode of expression employed; (3) The actual instrument or material
used by the artist.
MEGABYTE Abbreviated MB or M, approximately one million bytes of
MEMORYThat portion of computer hardware that retains data for later
MENUA selection of options displayed on a computer screen.
MICROCOMPUTER Another name for a personal computer or computer
workstation not attached to a mainframe system.
MILITARY STANDARDSAlso called MIL-STD. A formalized set of
government standards.
MIXED MEDIUMAlso called MIXED MEDIA. A combination of two or
more mediums.
MODEMAn electronic input/output device that connects computer
workstations for communications. An acronym for the word modulator and
MOIRÉAn wavy or checkered pattern that results when photographing a
halftone through a screen.
MONOCHROMATIC Shades or tints of one color.
MONTAGE See COMPOSITE. (1) Arranging a number of pictures or
designs in a combination, often with some overlapping, so that they form a
composite whole; (2) The resultant arrangement or composition.
MONITORThe viewing screen of a computer system.
MOODAn outward projection of a feeling or emotion that affects behavior
communicated by action, situations, or symbology in a picture.
Continued on next page