Glossary, Continued
L (Continued)
LEAFA single sheet that includes both sides.
LEAKAn accidental escape of fill color or texture from an object or shape
not completely enclosed by pixels.
LENSOptical glass components arranged in a formation that creates a focal
point at a specific distance from a screen.
LENS DIAPHRAGMControls the amount of light allowed to reach the
LEGENDA description of any special or unusual marks, symbols, or line
LENTICULAR SCREENA projection screen with a surface patterned to
reflect a projected image with minimum glare.
LETTERHEAD (1) The printed matter, usually the name and address of a
company, at the head of a sheet of letter-quality paper; (2) A sheet of paper
bearing a letterhead.
LETTERINGLetters and words formed or printed by hand.
LETTERPRESS PRINTINGA printing process in which the raised, inked
surfaces of the type and/or plates transfer an impression directly to the paper.
LETTER-QUALITY PRINTERA printer that imitates letters with
resolution similar to a typewriter.
LETTERSPACINGPlacing additional space between the letters of words
to expand the length of a line or to improve and balance typography.
LIFT METHOD(1) The process of using laminate material to remove or
lift an image from clay-coated stock; (2) scanning text or graphics onto disk
for importation to another application.
Continued on next page