Glossary, Continued
O (Continued)
ONSCREENAn image that appears on the computer or television screen.
OPAQUE(1) Impermeable to light; not transparent or translucent; (2) To
paint over unwanted portions of a negative with a solution to prevent light
from seeping through.
OPAQUE PROJECTORA device that projects an opaque object to a
desired size on another surface.
paint-like gouache or tempura, available in tubes, jars, or by mixing white
with transparent colors.
OPAQUINGCovering up with opaque paint.
OPTICAL CENTERA point slightly above (10%) the geometric center of
a layout that the eye perceives as the center.
OPTICAL ILLUSIONAn unreal or misleading image perceived by the eye
as real.
OPTICAL SPACINGThe arrangement of spacing between letters for
legibility and appearance, which varies with the shape of the letters to
achieve optical equalization.
ORGANIZATION CHARTA block chart or diagram showing the names,
titles, departments, and responsibilities of personnel in an organization.
ORIGINAL See MASTER. Copy submitted to the printer for
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONA method of projection with six
principal views.
OSCILLATING AIRBRUSHAn airbrush with a reciprocating needle used
for fine detailed work.
Continued on next page