Glossary, Continued
O (Continued)
OUTPUTThe end product generated by an electronic device, such as a
computer, printer, or copier.
OUTPUT DEVICEAn electronic accessory to a computer system that
provides some type of end product either visually or as a hard copy.
OUTLINEThe outside edge of a shape or form.
OUTLINE DRAWINGA drawing where lines define the outer limits of
the forms without the representation of modeling, light, or shadow.
OVERHEAD PROJECTIONA projector that uses of a system of mirrors
and a fresnel lens to project a transparent image or object to another surface
or screen.
OVERLAP To cover a part of one shape or line with another.
OVERLAYA transparent or translucent sheet taped over the original art
for protection or to indicate instructions or corrections.
OVERPRINTING Printing an image over another impression.
OZALID MACHINEAn ammonia process printmaking machine that
produces the samesize copy from transparent or translucent originals.
PAINTING KNIFESee PALETTE KNIFE. A type of palette knife made
for applying paint to a picture.
PALETTE(1) The surface on which the artist places paint and mixes
colors before applying them to canvas or other painting surface; (2) A group
of colors or gray values chosen for use in the same picture.
PALETTE KNIFEA thin, flexible, steel blade set in a wooden or plastic
handle available in a variety of shapes used for mixing paints and impasto,
applying paint directly to a canvas or to create special textures directly on the
surface of a picture.
Continued on next page