Glossary, Continued
P (Continued)
POINTA standard type measure of 1/72 of an inch or 72 points equals 6
POLYMERPaints that have polyvinyl acetate or acrylic resin as a binder
used as either a transparent or opaque medium.
POLYGONCommon geometric constructions.
PORTRAITUREThe process or art of depicting an individual by drawing,
painting, or photographing from life.
PORTRAYTo delineate or depict.
POSTERA large cardboard or paper display sign.
POSTER BOARDA medium weight cardboard suitable for show cards.
POSTER COLORAn opaque watercolor used for making show cards.
POSTERIZATION A technique for adding poster-like qualities to a
photograph, a film, or an illustration by separating the normal tones of a
subject into distinctly separated, strong tones.
POUNCEA powdered substance that improves the ink-absorbing qualities
of tracing cloths and papers.
PRELIMINARY DRAWINGSDrawings done in preparation for a
finished piece of art.
PRE-PRESSThe preparatory stage of art or copy immediately before
committing the image to a plate.
PRIMARY COLORSThe red, yellow, and blue in a subtractive process
and the red, yellow, and green in the additive process of color theory.
PRINTAn image made from a master negative or plate.
Continued on next page