Glossary, Continued
R (Continued)
RANDOM ACCESS MEMORYAlso called RAM. Retrievable computer
memory accessible at will without sequential reading.
RANGEFINDERThe ground glass in a camera used to focus an image.
RASTER-BASEDAn image based on the manipulation of a matrix of
pixels or dots.
RASTER IMAGE PROCESSORAlso called RIP. A device for
converting vector-based imagery to high-resolution raster images.
READTo access electronically stored data.
REAR PROJECTION SCREENA matte surface, translucent screen used
when projecting an image from behind to a screen.
REBOOTRestart the computer system.
RECEDING COLORSColors that appear to move away or create the
illusion of distance.
system where values are plotted by X and Y coordinates.
REFERENCE NUMBERSNumbers used on one drawing to refer to
another drawing for further details.
REFERENCE PLANEThe normal plane used to reference all information.
REGISTERTo align a page or any elements of an image or impression to
match the position of successive impressions.
REGISTER MARKSMarks used to key an overlay to a drawing or
mechanical as in color separation or combination plates.
REMOVED SECTIONA drawing of the internal cross section of an object
located near the basic drawing of the object.
Continued on next page