Glossary, Continued
P (Continued)
PROOFREADER'S MARKSStandard marks placed in the margin nearest
the word that indicate corrections in typeset copy.
PROPORTION The relation to size of one part or thing to another or one
portion of something to the whole.
PROPORTIONAL DIVIDERSA drafting instrument used for transferring
measurements from one scale to another or to divide lines and circles into
equal parts.
LETTERSPACING. The spacing of characters in proportion to size by
means of the typewriters and office composing machines used in the
preparation of cold composition copy.
PROPSAccents or accessories that identify the time frame or location of a
PROTRACTORA circular or semicircular rule for measuring off the
degree of an angle.
QUILL PENSee CROW QUILL. A pen nib made from a feature quill.
RADIAL FILLTo fill an object with color, pattern, or shade that appears
to radiate from the center of the object.
RADIATIONA divergence of lines, tones, or colors from a common point
to different directions.
RADIUSA straight line from the center of a circle or sphere to a point on
its circumference.
RADIUS CURVEA drawing tool used to draw arcs of a predetermined
Continued on next page