Glossary, Continued
S (Continued)
SCREENA glass plate or film with crosshatched lines that
photographically produces a halftone for reproduction from a continuous-tone
stencil printing that uses silk, nylon, or metal screen to contain the image.
SCREEN REFRESHA continuous update of computations that create the
image on a computer screen.
SCRIPT(1) Lettering based on hand writing; (2) A paper or papers that
describe in detail all of the elements of a commercial or story.
SCROLLA rapid up-or-down movement of a computer screen image
during a search function.
SECONDARY COLORSThe colors (orange, green, and violet) that lie
halfway between the three primary colors.
SECTION LINEThin, diagonal lines used to indicate the surface of an
imaginary cut in an object.
SECTIONAL VIEWThe view obtained by cutting away part of an object
in an illustration to show the shape and construction of the interior.
SEPIAA dark, warm brown color of low brilliance.
SEPIA INTERMEDIATEAn intermediate used in making duplicate
transparencies by the whiteprint process.
SERIFThe finishing stroke or line projecting from the end of the main
stroke of many letters in some typefaces.
SET PALETTEOne hue mixed with a group of colors to create color
harmony or unity in a chosen palette.
Continued on next page