Glossary, Continued
S (Continued)
SETTINGBackground or surrounding.
SHADEA mixture of pure color and black.
SHADING Lines, values, or color applied to create form, shadow, or
SHADING MEDIUMSPreprinted tones and patterns used to enhance the
appearance of copy and artwork.
SHADING SHEETSSheets of cellophane or acetate preprinted with tones
and patterns with a lowtack adhesive for applying to artwork.
SHAPEThe flat silhouette or two-dimensional form of an object.
SHELF LIFEThe length of time before sensitized material deteriorates.
SHIPS CURVESInstruments for drawing elongated, irregular curves that
closely approximate the curves found in shipbuilding.
SHUTTER SPEEDA method of controlling the length of time that light
can reach a film.
SIGHT LINEAn imaginary line extending from the eyes of a figure in a
drawing to an object indicating that persons direction of glance.
SINGLE-ACTION AIRBRUSHA device that releases both air and
pigment by pressing down on a button.
SIGNATUREA sheet of paper printed on both sides and folded to make up
part of a publication.
SILHOUETTEAn outline of an object or figure filled in solidly without
indication of modeling or surface structure.
SILKSCREEN A method of printing through a stencil fixed to a screen of
natural or synthetic fiber or metal mesh.
Continued on next page