Glossary, Continued
T (Continued)
TELEPHOTO LENSA long focal-length lens that has the effect of
bringing far objects nearer.
TELEVISION GRAPHICSGraphics created specifically for transmission
via television.
TEMPURA Dry pigment mixed with an emulsion of egg yolk or milk to
form an opaque watercolor.
TEMPLATEA guide made to ensure the uniform consistency of frequently
used symbols.
TERTIARY COLORSAny intermediate hue that contains some part of
each of the three primary colors.
TEXTTypewritten or printed matter forming the main body of a work.
TEXTUREThe feel or appearance of a surface created by the repetition of
forms or design.
THERMAL TRANSFER PRINTERA printer that uses heat to fuse the
image to a paper surface.
THIRD DIMENSIONThe effect of depth or bulk achieved by the artist on
a flat surface.
THREE DIMENSIONALPossessing height, width, and depth.
THREE-QUARTER VIEWA view of an object rotated to a position
halfway between a front and a side view.
THREE-POINT PERSPECTIVEA view where no dimension, height,
width, or depth, is parallel to the plane of projection.
THUMBNAIL SKETCHPage layouts showing the allocation of space for
headings, photographs, line artwork, and text.
Continued on next page