Glossary, Continued
T (Continued)
THUMBSPOTSVisual indicators placed on a slide mount to identify the
emulsion side of the film and simplify tray loading.
TILINGA fill pattern effect that repeats a pattern over and over.
TILT CARDA vertical card that requires up-and-down camera movement.
TIME LINEA projected plan of execution outlining significant milestones
and deadlines used to monitor work in progress closely.
TINTA mixture of pure color and white.
TISSUE OVERLAYThin, translucent paper placed over artwork for
protection and corrections.
TITANIUM WHITEAn opaque white.
TITLE BLOCKSpace in the lower right corner that contains the identity
of the drawing, the subject matter, the origins, the scale, and other data.
TITLE CARDA television card that contains text only.
TONALHaving gradations of gray or intermediate values.
TONE(1) A value usually predominate that sets the key; (2) A thin layer of
paint applied to a ground to eliminate the whiteness of the surface before
TOOTHThe ability of the paper surface to accept various mediums.
TORTILLONAlso called STUMP or STOMP. Tightly rolled paper,
leather, or felt used to blend charcoal, pastels, pencil, chalk, or crayon.
TOUCHÉA liquid-masking agent or lithographic crayon applied by brush
to a lithographic plate or stone.
Continued on next page