Glossary, Continued
T (Continued)
T-SQUAREA ruling guide with a 90° angled crosspiece at one end used in
making horizontal lines.
TURPENTINEA solvent distilled from the sap of pine or from pine wood
used as a thinner and to clean brushes.
TUTORIALA lesson guide.
TWO DIMENSIONALFlat, without depth, having only width and height.
The most common type of perspective drawing where the object is sitting at
an angle to the plane of projection and each object has two vanishing points.
TYPEFACEThe printing surface of an alphabet judged by its design,
printability, wearability, and position on the letter body.
TYPE FAMILYA group of typefaces similar although not exactly alike in
TYPE SERIESDifferent sizes of the same typeface.
TYPESETTERS, PHOTOGRAPHICMachines that supply a variety of
type designs and sizes, automatically letterspaced and justified on transparent
film or plasticcoated opaque paper.
TYPOGRAPHYThe art of type selection and arrangement.
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHTActinic (shorter wavelength) or useable part of
the light spectrum needed to react or harden light-sensitive coatings.
UNDERTONEA color whose effect is modified by other colors imposed
over them.
UNRETOUCHED Not altered or improved by any means.
Continued on next page