Glossary, Continued
U (Continued)
UPPERCASEThe capital letters of an alphabet.
USER INTERFACEThe visual and physical attributes of a software
program including tools-, text-, and graphics-handling characteristics.
UTILITY PLANA floor plan of a structure showing locations of heating,
electrical, plumbing, and other service components.
VALUEThe relative lightness and darkness of different areas of the picture
represented in tones, shading, line balance, and layout.
VALUE SCALEThe complete range of values from the lightest to the
VAN DYKEA brownprint negative and sometimes a brownline positive.
VANISHING POINTThe point at which parallel lines receding from the
observer appear to converge in a perspective drawing or photograph.
VARIGRAPHA lettering device that allows manipulation of letter size,
slant, and shape.
VARNISH A solution made of a resin in a volatile medium.
VEHICLEA liquid used as a carrier of pigment in paint.
VECTOR-BASEDImages based on a series of plotted points that define
precise lines and geometric shapes.
VELLUMA kind of fine, translucent paper resembling parchment or onion
skin used for duplicating copies made with a whiteprint machine.
VELOXA print of a photograph or other continuous-tone copy prescreened
before paste-up or platemaking with line copy eliminating the need for a
composite negative.
Continued on next page