Viruses, Continued
To prevent or reduce exposure to computer viruses, take the following
Use only commercially available disks.
Avoid exchanging disks with another SYSOP.
Limit the number of computers your computer contacts (via modem or
floppy disk exchange).
Back up your disks regularly as you work to minimize the amount of data
lost should you contract a virus.
Write-protect disks whenever possible. The write-protect feature locks up
disks preventing inadvertent changes by virus infection.
Use antivirus programs regularly and when borrowing disks from other
computer users.
Scan the hard drive weekly and create infection-free back-up disks.
Is it important to guard against viruses, to find and destroy viruses, and to
disinfect any disk that may be infected also. Simple precautions minimize
virus infections. Viruses are easier to prevent than to isolate and treat.
As good as antivirus programs are, they require updating to stay abreast of
new viruses. The fear of virus infections should not cripple your interaction
with computers and software so long as you invest in good antivirus software
and use precautions.